Gridtential, Partners Chasing Li

  Energy     |      2023-09-23 20:00

Li-ion batteries have some drawbacks, yet recent progress made in the use of new materials paves the way for alternatives to be able to unlock the known limits.

The world is constantly looking for energy solutions that are not only efficient but also clean and sustainable, using recyclable materials. In this scenario, batteries play an essential role in supporting the transition to full electrification of the transportation sector. Companies operating in the battery industry are constantly looking for chemistries that can increase energy density, reduce cost and weight, and extend the cycle life of involved materials.

Although lithium-ion today represents technology capable of providing the highest energy density, it is expected that this type of solution will reach its limits within a few years. Moreover, Li-ion batteries have some drawbacks, linked above all to significant costs (both of production and disposal), aging, and precautions to be followed in the charging, transportation, and storage process.

However, recent progress made in the use of new materials for the manufacture of batteries paves the way for alternative solutions able to unlock the known limits.

10/17-19 EAC