Amber, Infineon Partner on Digital Control of Electricity

  Energy     |      2023-09-23 20:01

The chip maker will collaborate to commercialize Amber's technology for digital control of electricity via a silicon architecture.

Infineon Technologies and Amber Solutions are collaborating to commercialize Amber’s technology aimed at digital control of electricity via a silicon architecture.

The main applications focus on Amber’s patented technologies such as an AC/DC enabler and AC switch for smart circuit breakers, dimmers and integration with Infineon’s suite of products. In interviews with EE Times, Amber CEO Thar Casey and and Steve Bakos, Infineon’s senior director for switching power, said the collaboration includes targeting the digital electricity control market.

“The goal is to exploit solid-state technology and move beyond electromechanical systems–the bulky electrolytic capacitors, magnetics, transformers and other passive elements standard today,” Casey said. “Our alliance aims to offer a transformation of every electrical endpoint in all residential and commercial buildings to a modern silicon architecture with embedded intelligence.”

10/17-19 EAC