The venture funding will be used to launch Polaris, the startup's seventh-generation fusion prototype....

How to Specify or Purchase a Shunt Active Power Filter
APFs are one of the fastest growing technologies for solving power quality problems and meeting grid code and energy efficiency requirements for a wide range of......

Analyzing Strategic Partnerships Between Main EV OEMs, Battery Suppliers in Europe, America, and Asi
The current supply situation and future partnerships between major automakers and battery manufacturers are changing rapidly....

Tokamak Energy Takes Another Step Toward Fusion Power
Tokamak Energy has taken another encouraging step in fusion research by halving the power required for cooling superconducting magnets....

Energous Receives Regulatory Approval in Asia for Unlimited Distance Wireless Charging
Energous' 1W WattUp PowerBridge approval in India opens new market opportunities for over-the-air power solutions in the country....